About Egrapsa Press

Welcome to Egrapsa Press, an independent publishing company.

Its mission is to write and publish books to inspire, inquire, and intrigue. I want these books to be out of the mainstream. However, I want to reflect reality as much as possible, to use realistic situations, characters, and dialog.

I want to reflect real faith as well, faith that has been tested in the real world, that takes into account heart and mind, heaven and earth.

What About the Unusual Name?

How did it get the name “Egrapsa,” anyway? Is it an acronym, something trendy, or maybe something spelled backward?

Not at all. I wanted a unique yet memorable name that still had an actual meaning. So, having studied Greek in seminary, I discovered a simple, very appropriate word: ἔγραψα (egrapsa). Its basic translation is “I wrote.” Clever, huh? And, being a punster at heart, I designed my logo as a visual play on words and symbols as well.

—Curtis L. Mattson, Owner and Publisher